Your Fear is Your Duty

Your Fear is Your Duty... Carl Jung says: Where your fear is, there is your task. Having this perspective can make us stronger...

Your Fear is Your Duty... Carl Jung says: Where your fear is, there is your task. Having this perspective can make us stronger...

Your Fear is Your Duty

Carl Jung says: Where your fear is, there is your task. Having this perspective can make us stronger in life. We can move our lives forward with the leverage this provides. We need such a paradigm shift to overcome the things we fear. We can turn each fear into a personal development journey and begin to overcome it, one day at a time. We can prepare a list, from the simplest fears to the most challenging ones, and turn them into manageable parts over time.

Even the simplest fears have the power to limit our freedom. We give them this power. And now we have a chance to take it away from them. If we don’t take this chance today, we will be trapped in our own limited world and never realize our true potential.

Now take a pen and paper and list your own fears as they come to your mind. Set a time limit to get rid of each one. Determine an action step on how you will deal with them. And get to work. That’s all!

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