10 Thinking Patterns to Keep Yourself Strong

10 Thinking Patterns to Keep Yourself Strong... When you internalize the 10 thinking models that I will share with you shortly, you will be able to cope with problems better and gain much more effective thinking skills

10 Thinking Patterns to Keep Yourself Strong... When you internalize the 10 thinking models that I will share with you shortly, you will be able to cope with problems better and gain much more effective thinking skills

10 Thinking Patterns to Keep Yourself Strong

In this section, I’m talking about thinking skills that you can use, especially in difficult times. When you internalize the 10 thinking models that I will share with you shortly, you will be able to cope with problems better and gain much more effective thinking skills. If you’re ready, let’s start thinking about what we should think about and how.

When we are faced with a problem when we are worried or afraid, our minds are often locked and we begin to think more ineffectively than usual. In such situations, we need thinking models. We can use them when we feel pessimistic, helpless, and exhausted, or when we need to think more effectively. Thanks to these intellectual tools, we can feel better and have a stronger mindset. Thus, we can move forward with more confident steps toward our goals.

I used concise words for a better understanding of thinking patterns. We can see these words of wisdom as systematic tools that symbolize intellectual models. When your mind is full of fearful, anxious, and helpless thoughts, you can support yourself with these thought patterns and make your thinking process work effectively again.

Each of the thinking models is sometimes represented by a word and sometimes by a bunch of words. There are some common features that distinguish the words in the video from similar ones: The words in general; In addition to being positive, strong, hopeful, and solution-oriented, contain statements that can be accepted as correct by almost everyone.

You can use the information in this article as a guide. With the information here, you can realize in which area you have problems and easily make the mental arrangement you need. Also, in order to regain strength when your mental activity decreases, you can first repeat the words in the relevant section to yourself and apply them as suggestions. After all these explanations, let’s start to explain the 10 thinking models in order.


In the words of Louise L. Hay: “The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Every cell in your body responds to every thought you think and every word you speak.” The important thing is not how smart you are, but what thoughts you guide your mind. How do you need to think in order to achieve the happiness, health, and success you seek in your life? For all these, it is essential to use the positive and optimistic thinking model. Because you cannot lead a positive life with a negative mind. (Joyce Meyer). Think about how you need to think in order to think more effectively. To think positively, simply try to focus your attention on the positive aspects of events. Remember, you’re just a thought away from feeling good again. (Paul Ferrini)


“Once you’re committed to a cause, you go beyond being an ordinary person. You are a different person now.” (Liam Neeson) Valuable and powerful goals give life meaning. Goal-oriented thinking is the only thing that unlocks your true potential. When you think goal-oriented, everything in your life can turn into a benefit for you to reach that goal. At the same time, the person pursuing a worthwhile goal will be grateful at the end of the road for what that goal has transformed him into. “Whatever you desire, concentrate all your attention on it; You will see it happen eventually.” (Steve Chandler)


If you wait, you will only receive what comes to you; but if you go, whatever you want… If you are not a philosopher, inactive thinking will not do you much good in this world. In fact, it will often add more trouble to your problems. If there’s anything more effective than thinking big, it’s taking a small step. In the words of Alan Cohen, “Don’t wait for conditions to be perfect to start. The beginning will make the conditions perfect.” And remember: “Your current circumstances do not determine where it may go; it just determines where to start.” (Nido Qubein). Also, when you find yourself in anxious thoughts or indecisive about something, instead of continuing to think about it, immediately ask yourself what is the simplest thing you can do about it, and then take that small step. You will both relax and then your thoughts will be different as a new reality emerges.


“Every problem in your life hides a gift within it.” (Richard Bach). When you train your mind to see the opportunities behind the problems, what comes your way will become a bundle of gifts. Thus, all dangers will become an opportunity to show your courage, or all failure will be nothing more than, as Henry Ford put it, an opportunity to start more intelligently. So how can we see the opportunities behind the challenges? First of all, taking into account the following information: The average mind has difficulty in recognizing long-term relationships because it establishes cause-effect relationships in a short period of time. He can only understand it by looking back after time has passed. In such cases, it is necessary to think primarily goal-oriented and action-oriented. You can also try, for example, imagining a positive future ten years from now and looking at yourself from there, and realizing how the problem you are experiencing can benefit you in the future.


“If you only walk on sunny days, you will not reach the goal.” (Heaven & Earth) When was the last time you wanted something from your heart? One way to understand this is how much effort you put into it. Most of the time things will not go well. At such times, you should not waste time whining or complaining. Because people who are constantly advancing towards their goals show a mental determination that accepts no excuses. While they turn all mistakes into learning experiences, they use all obstacles as stepping stones to reach their goals.


Fear is the mind’s killer, said Frank Herbert. A mind fed with fear is essentially no different from a primitive life form. It is almost impossible to expect anything positive about life from him. We all feel fear from time to time. However, when this situation extends over a long period of time, our intellectual abilities weaken and we begin to lose our effectiveness. In such cases, we need to remove fear from both our hearts and minds. Because life begins where fear ends. (Osho) When the fear is gone, all that remains is a bright mind. In the words of Gandhi, “If you refuse to be afraid, there is nothing to frighten you.” Imagine what you can do when you stop being afraid… “Everything we want is on the other side of fear.” (George Adair) And all the mental limits to ourselves are all about fear. And each has been learned or taught in its time. When the limits of the mind are transcended, you discover your true potential. Because the limits in your life are only what you set.” (Epictetus)


“Promise yourself that you will be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace.” Christian D. Larson. Seek and find strength and confidence within yourself, not out there. Then no one can take it from you. When you feel insecure, your thoughts become ineffective and lose their credibility. The most important way to gain self-confidence is to work hard. Try to focus on the things in your life that are within your control. Start with what you have, use what you have, and do what you can!


“If you perceive something as a problem, your perception is a problem.” (Joyce Chapman). Everything in life is about your perception. In the words of Louise L. Hay, “I don’t solve problems. First I analyze my thought process, and then the problems are solved by themselves.” Your experiences gain meaning by passing through your perception filter. How a situation makes sense to you is more important than the situation itself. When the meaning changes for you, everything will change. For a more effective thinking practice, you can ask what is the function of this question you are experiencing, and what is it trying to teach me. In addition, instead of doing the same things over and over and expecting different results, changing the approach style and showing flexible thinking will enable you to get the best results. Remember, “The people who make their way in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and when they can’t find them, they create it.” (George B. Shaw)


Change is inevitable in life. If you don’t change inside, you will have to change from the outside. Which is much more difficult. Your thoughts should flow like a river and never like a backwater. When you become open to different, different, unusual thoughts, your mental activity becomes much greater. One method you can use for this is to think about how you would respond to this situation if you lived in a different environment or were born in a different society. For example, take a thought that you find unacceptable and imagine you are defending it against someone who thinks like you. “Change how you see, see how you change!” (Buddha)


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said that there are no hopeless situations, there are hopeless people. Hope is a positive expectation for the future. In fact, to hope means to think with hope. If we are not hopeful, our intellectual activity has hit rock bottom. We even stop thinking when we are hopeless. But we know that as long as life lasts, hope will continue to exist. Even if we don’t have it, it will definitely continue to exist in someone, somewhere. You can always see the ray of hope when we manage to look at the future with an open mind.

Let’s not forget that, no matter how many difficulties we face in our lives, none of them will be able to surpass the national struggle of the Turkish nation under the leadership of the great leader Atatürk. So do as the Norwegians say, when you are desperate, think like Atatürk!

Dr. Tayfun Topaloğlu

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