Tears of the Samurai: The Wisdom Story of Heaven and Hell

A magnificent samurai goes to Roshi, the wise man of the village, and asks him, “Can you tell me something about the nature of heaven and hell?” he asks. Roshi begins to grumble; “Why would I talk about such a thing to a scumbag, scumbag like you?” The samurai’s face began to turn red, his hair stood on end. Roshi continues carelessly; “Why would a vile bug like you want to know such a thing?” He was smitten with the samurai. He draws his sword and raises it to cut off Roshi’s head. At that moment, Roshi says: “This is hell”.

Samurai, who is actually a sensitive person, understands what is meant at that moment. He has created his own hell and he himself is in the depths of this hell he has created. Hell is filled with hatred and anger. So much so that this old man’s head could almost go! The samurai’s eyes filled with tears, and he began to cry. Then he brings his hands together and expresses his gratitude to the master. At that moment, Roshi says, “This is Heaven”. Heaven and hell are wherever you are.

Pema Chödrön – “Heaven & Hell” (Comfortable with Uncertainty)