Empty Your Head

Empty Your Head - An Effective Creative Visualization Technique for Relaxation and Focus... When our minds are cluttered with unnecessary thoughts, it is not easy to focus on what is important.

Empty Your Head - An Effective Creative Visualization Technique for Relaxation and Focus... When our minds are cluttered with unnecessary thoughts, it is not easy to focus on what is important.

Empty Your Head

An Effective Creative Visualization Technique for Relaxation and Focus

When our minds are cluttered with unnecessary thoughts, it is not easy to focus on what is important. One way to fully utilize our mental potential is to be able to empty our minds. Creative visualization allows us to use our imagination limitlessly towards a purpose. You can easily use this visualization technique when your mind is scattered, when you cannot think clearly, or when you are seeking a solution to a problem. If you can do this visualization with feeling and correctly, you will eventually notice your mind becoming refreshed, clearer and being able to focus better on your priorities. Throughout the exercise, try to use all your senses actively and try to visualize even the smallest detail in your mind.

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