Who is There?

Unity is achieved only through the sacrifice of the ego. As long as there is an “I” there must also be a “you” and the polarization continues. “Being reborn in the soul” always entails a death, and that is the death of the “I”. Mevlana summarizes this very well in the following short story:

“A man comes to his girlfriend’s door and knocks on the door. A voice asks: “Who’s there?”

“Mine,” says the man.

The voice inside continues: “There’s not enough room here for you and me.” And the door remains closed.

After a year of loneliness and longing, the man comes again and knocks on the door.

A voice from inside asks: “Who’s there?”

“You,” says the man.

And this time the door opens.

Thorwald Dethlefsen & Ruedige Dahike – “The Healing Power of Illness”