Healthy Brain, Strong Memory

One of the most important functions of the brain is remembering. It is not possible for us to continue our daily lives without memory or memory. In fact, our memory is one of the things that determines and expresses who we are.

There are great advantages to having a strong memory in daily life. Contrary to popular belief, having a strong memory refers to a skill that can be developed rather than an innate feature.

A well-functioning brain is a strong pillar of memory. We can easily say that the better the brain works, the stronger the memory will be. At this point, if we consider that it is important to be protected against diseases that cause forgetfulness such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, which begin to appear with old age, the suggestions we will mention shortly gain even more importance. By taking these suggestions into account, you can protect your brain health and have a stronger memory.

Short-term and long-term memory: Problems with memory are related to the imperfect or no transfer of information from short-term memory to long-term memory. In addition, the disruptions that occur during the recall (recall) of information form the basis of the problems related to recall. Memory can be compared to short-term memory and long-term memory in a computer. Most of the time, the problem is related to the transfer of information from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Eat to strengthen memory: You should drink enough fluids during the day (at least 1.5-2 liters for winter, 2-2.5 liters for summer – Add 0.5 liters to this for every hour of sweat). Regularly eat tuna, etc., where omega 3 nutrients are abundant. Try to consume deep-sea products.

Always learn new things: It’s not how many neurons (brain cells) you have, it’s how many connections you can make between them. Learning something new, developing a new skill or participating in activities that bring different perspectives will positively affect brain development and therefore memory.

Get enough sleep: One of the most important factors that negatively affect our daily activities is not having enough sleep. Irregular and poor quality sleep can cause permanent damage to your brain health and memory process when it becomes continuous.

Exercise regularly: Your brain needs plenty of oxygen. Sports to be performed in clean and oxygen-rich environments will greatly benefit the effective functioning of the brain. In addition, life experiences based on bodily activities are more easily remembered.

Manage stress well: We need to protect ourselves from negative and chronic stress for effective brain functioning and a strong memory. A brain exposed to extreme and chronic stress will lose its intellectual activity over time and will begin to have memory problems.

Think positively and optimistically: People who think positively and have an optimistic personality generally have a more hopeful and strong mentality. The brain, which thinks about fear, anxiety and stress, loses its functionality over time. Therefore, in order to develop optimistic and positive thinking skills, it will be very useful to make positive imagery in daily life.

Use the following memory technique: You can apply a simple memory technique with these steps: 1.Attention, 2.Be curious, show interest, 3.Repeat and repeat again.

  1. Focus your attention on the present moment with inner suggestions. (Apply suggestions such as focus, focus, concentrate)
  2. Connect with topics you’re interested in. (Where can I use this information? Visualize yourself using that information)
  3. Revise the new information you have learned regularly. (You will lose most of the information you have learned after 24 hours. Therefore, you should remind yourself by repeating the new information you have learned at regular intervals)